
Bachelor Degree Courses

Code Course name Semester
E011049 Numerical Mathematics S
E011057 Mathematics II. S
E012027 Computer Graphics S
E016008 Matematics II. - Seminary S
E021024 Physics I. S
E026002 Physics I. - Seminary S
E111001 Strength of Materials I. S
E121023 Thermomechanics S
E131002 Engineering Design II S
E131026 Machine Elements and Mechanisms II. S
E132502 Project S
E133019 Design III. S
E141503 Electrical Machines and Drives S
E311102 Mechanics II. S
E322029 Materials Science I. S
E331067 Technology I. S
E343018 Fundamentals of technology II. S
E371047 Automatic Control S
E381054 Management and Economics of the Enterprise S
E383271 Humanity - Information Sources S
E011021 Constructive Geometry W
E011056 Mathematics I. W
E011066 Mathematics III. W
E012033 Algorithmization and Programming W
E016007 Mathematics I. - Seminary W
E021022 Physics II.W
E026003 Physics II. - Seminary W
E121501 Fluid Dynamics W
E131005 History of Technology W
E131512 Machine Elements and Mechanisms I. W
E132001 Engineering Design I. W
E133018 Design II. W
E141504 Electrical Circuits and Electronics W
E182019 Chemistry W
E311101 Mechanics I. W
E321039 Materials Science II. W
E333018 Fundamentals of Technology I. W
E341045 Technology II. W
E372021 Computer Use Fundamentals W
E372080 Measurement in Engineering W
E383001 Introduction into Philosophy W

Master Degree Courses

Courses that will certainly be open

Code Course name Semester
E01A049 Numerical Mathematics A S
E01A057 Mathematics II.A S
E011049 Numerical Mathematics S
E011057 Mathematics II. S
E012027 Computer Graphics S
E016008 Matematics II. - Seminary S
E02A024 Physics I.A S
E021024 Physics I. S
E026002 Physics I. - Seminary S
E11A001 Strength of Materials I.A S
E111001 Strength of Materials I. S
E12A023 Thermodynamics A S
E121023 Thermomechanics S
E131002 Engineering Design II S
E131026 Machine Elements and Mechanisms II. S
E132502 Project S
E133019 Design III. S
E141503 Electrical Machines and Drives S
E31A102 Mechanics II.A S
E311102 Mechanics II.S
E322029 Materials Science I. S
E331067 Technology I. S
E343018 Fundamentals of technology II. S
E371047 Automatic Control S
E372080 Measurement in Engineering S
E381054 Management and Economics of the Enterprise S
E383271 Humanity - Information Sources S
E01A021 Constructive Geometry A W
E01A056 Mathematics I.A W
E01A066 Mathematics III.A W
E011021 Constructive Geometry W
E011056 Mathematics I. W
E011066 Mathematics III. W
E012033 Algorithmization and Programming W
E016007 Mathematics I. - Seminary W
E02A022 Physics II. A W
E021022 Physics II. W
E026003 Physics II. - Seminary W
E121501 Fluid Dynamics W
E131005 History of Technology W
E131512 Machine Elements and Mechanisms I. W
E132018 Technical Drawing W
E133018 Design II. W
E141504 Electrical Circuits and Electronics W
E182019 Chemistry W
E31A101 Mechanics I.A W
E311101 Mechanics I. W
E321039 Materials Science II. W
E333018 Fundamentals of Technology I. W
E341045 Technology II. W
E372021 Computer Use Fundamentals W
E372080 Measurement in Engineering W
E383001 Introduction into Philosophy W

Eligible course

Code Course name Semester
E181012 Computer Aided Design S
E181014 Industrial Chemistry S
E181074 Heat Processes S
E181075 Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer S
E181101 Experimental Methods S
E181104 Processing Lines S
E181131 Diffusion separation processes S
E181132 Hydromechanical Unit Operations S
E342019 Manufacturing methods improvement S
E371085 Engineering Simulation of Controlled Processes S
E372080 Measurement in Engineering S
E374007 Computer Aided Process Control Design S
E181012 Computer Aided Design W
E181076 Process Control W
E181089 Waste Water Treatment and Gaseous Emission Reduction W
E181112 Reactor and Bioreactor Design W
E181134 Design of Processing Equipments W
E371060 Programmable Controller Applications W
E372080 Measurement in Engineering W
E374008 Computer Aided Automatic Control Theory W