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Importance of Food

You know that feeling when you are so tired and exhausted and depressed that the only thing in the world that can possibly rescue you is a good ol' portion of tasty food? Well, Madison has got some!


Remember those days back in Prague when you go down the road and there are multiple restaurants and cafes on both sides of the street, but the problem was that usually all the restaurants served either Czech food or Italian or Chineese?

Here in Madison, you can find any cousine you could ever imagine, like Afghanistanian, Ethiopian, South African, Indian, Costa Rican, Indonesian and so on and on. Also, there are multiple Chineese restaurants and traditional American ones. Most of those places are located on State Street close to the Capitol, so in case of emergency go right there.


Surprisingly enough, prices don't vary that much. Traditionally, the cheapest food you can find is a slice of pizza (~ $3.50), or a portion of chineese food (~ $5.50). Then there goes a selection of sandwiches and burgers (~ $7.00) which will feed you up pretty quickly but with no easthetic pleasure whatsoever. If you crave for something more „normal“, you can enter virtually any restaurant you see and a meal there will cost around $10.00 - $12.00. If one day you see higher prices then you might want to search for another place.

Free glass of water

Actually, one of my best memories about the U.S. is the tradition to give free glass of water to every customer. It basically means that you don't have to spend 2 bucks on a bottle of crappy water every time you want to eat a snack or something. So convenient and pleasing!


Another wonderful American invention is something called „refill“. It's when you buy a plastic cup and then you can drink as much Coca-Cola as you want. It is also quite often applied to coffee. So, imagine that you can pay $1.50 for coffee and then sit in the restaurant for the whole day! Just don't forget to leave the tips, which brings us to the next point.


Always leave tips! The problem is that in the U.S. waiters get a very low wage which is not even legal to the other jobs. The rest of their salary they are supposed to receive from customers via tips. So, if the waiter is not rude to you (he will never be!!!), then leave some tips please, for the sake of America and that guy in particular.

Ususally, it is enough to leave in tips about 15% of your bill. But if you go to the bar for drinks, then people quite often leave more. Much more.

usa/uw/food.1341399078.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2012/07/04 12:51 autor: basavdmiStarší verze